HIDARI: 手ぬぐい Japanese Hand Towel
A movie poster with the principal artwork from "HIDARI".
A2: 420x594mm
Paper / 紙
Orders typically ship out within 7 business days.
*Please note that the poster will be dispatched independently from any other products.
*This product does not come with a frame.
*No returns or refunds will be accepted unless the item is defective.
“HIDARI” is a stop-motion samurai film that tells the story of a legendary craftsman from the Edo era who left behind numerous works and anecdotes. Although his existence remains uncertain, we have boldly reimagined his story, weaving historical records from the Edo era into our tale. All of the characters are hand-carved from wood and brought to life through frame-by-frame animation techniques, just as Hidari’s wooden sculptures were said to come alive through his genius craftsmanship in the anecdotes.
Creating from an original concept and script by Whatever's CCO, Masashi Kawamura, the goal is to birth a feature-length production in league with the globally recognized, heavyweight animation teams, Dwarf Studio and TECARAT, who are integral players in the stop-motion scene.
Whatever CCO 川村真司による原案・脚本の元、世界のストップモーション界を支える最高峰のアニメーションチームである、ドワーフ スタジオとTECARATと共に長編作品化を目指しています。
Official website of HIDARI: https://hidari-movie.com/
Pilot film: https://youtu.be/DpefYPLH67